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Release Notes

We are excited to announce the latest updates and improvements at Vega Cloud. As always, our goal is to provide you with the best possible experience, and your feedback plays a crucial role in achieving that. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and suggestions. Your feedback helps us understand what matters most to you and guides our effort to continuouly enhance our FinOps Platform.

How to provide feedback:

  1. Click on the "Help & Support" Button within the Vega interface.
  2. Submit an email to with your comments


Vega Platform 2.22.0

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements


Vega Platform 2.21.0

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements


Vega Platform 2.20.0

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements


Vega Platform 2.19.5

  • Bug fixes


Vega Platform 2.19.4

  • The user invite flow now only sends a single email to both verify the user's email and reset their password, instead of sending two separate emails.
  • OCI updates
  • Bug fixes and performance improvments


Vega Platform 2.19.3

  • Bug fixes


Vega Platform 2.19.2

  • Bug fixes


Vega Platform 2.19.1

  • Bug fixes


Vega Platform 2.19.0

  • New Feature - Open Preview! Initial support for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) data collection, processing, and surfacing in the Vega Platform


Vega Platform 2.18.0

  • New Feature! Unified User Edit and Delete Vega API Endpoints
    • Customer developers can now submit an API request to edit or delete a Vega platform user for their organization
    • See for more details.
  • API compatibility change
    • For API consistency, the POST /users/v2 API endpoint JSON will now require given_name and family_name instead of first_name and last_name
    • See for more details.
  • General documentation updates
  • Performance, Security, and Bug fixes


Vega Platform 2.17.0

  • UI Improvements
    • Business Group Tree View: Cell items on Business Groups provide a cleaner user interface render for smaller screen resolutions.
    • User Form Control Update: First and Last Name fields now allow alphanumeric values with spaces and hyphens in-between.
  • General documentation updates
  • Performance, Security, and Bug fixes


Vega Platform 2.16.0

  • New Feature! Unified User Creation Vega API Endpoint
    • Customer developers can now submit a API JSON request to an API endpoint to create a Vega platform user for their organization.
  • New Feature! Datametry Report
    • Introducing a front-end interface for Datametry data.
    • A new menu item in the Vega Portal/Platform UI will display Datametry data.
  • New Feature! Finance Report
    • Introducing a front-end interface for Finance data.
    • A new menu item in the Vega Portal/Platform UI will display Finance data.
  • New Feature! SSO Configuration Limit Increased to 3
    • The Vega Portal/Platform UI now supports up to three SSO configurations per client.
  • Move and Rename of Vega Portal/Platform UI Pages
    • Reorganizing and renaming several UI pages, including "Dashboard Management" to "Dashboard Author".
  • New Feature! Notify API Service (Vega internal beta release)
    • V2 of the Notification Management API (Notify API).
    • Users can now subscribe, modify, and unsubscribe from Vega Notifications and Alerts.
  • New Feature! Anomaly Worker (Vega internal beta release, Phase 1)
    • This service surfaces anomaly data for the past 72 hours and notifies subscribed users via email, aggregating up to 10 detected anomalies into a single message.
    • Foundational anomaly detection system, proving the concept and setting the stage for future iterations that will utilize more advanced patterns and data sources.
  • New Feature! Notify UI (Vega internal beta release)
    • Front-end interface for managing anomaly notifications.
    • Users can subscribe and unsubscribe from anomaly notifications through a simple UI, with an intuitive toggle interface, empowering users to easily enable or disable anomaly notifications on their own.
  • Bugfix: GCP Disk Duplicate resource discovery results


Reporting Release 3.3.1

  • Optimize Section:
    • Added a new dashboard that will help identify and track duplicate CloudTrail logs. This dashboard is designed to help identify redundant logging to reduce costs and streamline operational efficiencies.
  • VData Section:
    • Adding a Snowflake centric forecast dashboard that will enable future cost projections to help improve budget allocations and resource utilization.
  • Anomalies Section:
    • Vega has moved the positioning of technical & financial tags to after product detail category within the table.
    • Adjusted an anomaly spike calculation to account for new resources that have no historic usage.


Vega Platform 2.15.1

  • Bugfix for issue authorizing against the Data API endpoints with a Client Registration-generated token.


Vega Platform 2.15.0

  • New Feature! Client Registration API
    • We have introduced a new Client Registration API feature, which allows the creation of a Client ID and a Secret Key with an expiration date. These credentials can be used to develop clients, scripts, or other applications that access all of our APIs directly.
    • See the Client Registration API documentation for more details.
  • Enterprise SSO Usability Improvements: We have made significant enhancements to the Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) experience.
    • Enhanced SSO Configuration UI: The SSO configuration interface has been improved to provide clearer instructions and specific settings required to complete the setup on the SSO provider side. This ensures a smoother and more intuitive configuration process.
    • Direct Login from SSO Service Provider Dashboards: Our authentication system now supports logging into the platform directly from SSO Service Provider dashboards, such as Okta Dashboard and Office 365 Apps. This enhancement simplifies the login process and improves user convenience.
    • See the SSO Documentation for more details
  • Ability to right-click menus items and other application links in new browser tab.
  • Accessibility updates
  • Various bug fixes have been implemented to enhance overall stability and performance.


Vega Platform 2.14.1

  • Bugfix for issue when removing the 'report_author' role.


Vega Platform 2.14.0

  • Deleted resources in schedules are now marked with an informational icon/text that the resource is undiscoverable.
  • UI/UX changes include
    • Icon updates
    • Remove 'v' from 'vInform', 'vOptimize', 'vOperate' (are now named 'Inform', 'Optimize', 'Operate')
    • 'Parking' is now renamed to ‘Enterprise Scheduler
    • Improved UI component alignment
    • Rearranged Provider Account columns
    • Accessibility updates
  • Various bug fixes have been implemented to enhance overall stability and performance.


Vega Platform 2.13.2

  • Improved Enterprise Scheduler logic when schedules are disabled, then renabled.


Vega Platform 2.13.1

  • Bug Fix related to selecting a Business Group


Vega Platform 2.13.0

  • UI/UX Improvements related to table design, link hover states, and more. Including accessiblity improvements to colors and updated styles for menu items for different toggle states.
  • Various Bug Fixes


HOTFIX Platform Release 2.12.1

  • Priority Groups in Parking are now saved correctly in all scenarios.
  • Logic check to pop up a dialog warning for unattached resources being discarded if they were not assigned to a priority group in a Parking Schedule was added.


Vega Platform 2.12.0

  • Resources can now be assigned to multiple business entities for enhanced organization. Please note that a resource can only be assigned to one autoparking schedule.
  • Bug fixes


Reporting Release 3.3

  • GCP added Object Storage Inventory, Load Balancer Inventory, Instance Inventory


Data API 1.2.8 (Private Preview)

  • Updates to library and recommendations


Vega Platform 2.11.1

  • Bug Fix for Scheduler


Vega Platform 2.11.0

  • UI Performance Improvements for Resources
  • Platform Tables can now paginate to first or last page and table state is saved when filtering. A "reset" option is now available to clear any saved state.
  • Update to Data API 1.2.6 which now includes a Data Query Endpoint to query data tables using SQL, and more recommendation endpoints (Private Preview)


Vega Platform 2.10.1

  • To enhance your resource search experience, we've incorporated the provider account canonical name into the resources table. This update will make it simpler for you to find the exact resources you need.
  • Performance enhancements


Vega Platform 2.10.0

  • Various Bug Fixes
  • Continued Accessbility Improvements


Vega Platform 2.9.0

  • Accessbility Improvements
  • Apply Data API Rate Limits
  • Bug Fix related to enterprise scheduling priority groupings


Vega Platform 2.8.1

  • Data API (Private Preview)
  • Performance Improvements for Resources
  • Accessbility Improvements
  • Various Bug Fixes


Reporting Release 2.2.8

Vega Inform
  • Cost Navigator and Resource Detail have new control ordering
  • Committed Use: Option to view last 60-day daily v. 13-month monthly
  • Instance Inventory: Adding last 30-spend to pivot table
  • Resource Detail: Added is Committed Use Eligible Control
Vega Optimize
  • Savings Overview: Tie breaker based on alphabetical Resource ID
Vega Storage
  • Minimum Spend Threshold Filter added


Vega Platform Release 2.7.1

  • Various bug fixes
  • Improved logging for Parking Functionality


Vega Platform Release 2.7.0

  • Ability to edit and delete "disable between" configurations for parking schedules.
  • "Tree view" Business Group selector now incorporated into Business Group create/edit and Assignment rules create/edit.
  • New feature flags for managing the CUD reports for each of the providers.
    • Including using the feature flags to clean up CUD views in the platform for clients.
  • Bug Fix for duplicating park/unpark times when re-saving parking schedules
  • Improved logging for parking operations
  • Remove character constraints for "Subscription Name" when linking Azure provider accounts in UI.
  • Turning on Organization tab for logo and styling to all as a standard beta feature in the platform:
    • Fix to prevent cutting off the top of a custom logo that is uploaded via the Organization tab.
    • Fix to surface organization tab when an organization does not have an assigned org owner.

Reporting Release 2.2.7

Vega Inform
  • Instance Inventory: added instance family, processor, generation, & specialty instance to top right pie chart dropdown.
  • Object Storage Inventory: Added unites ($ vs GB) for the top bar chart.


Vega Platform Release 2.6.0

  • Provider Accounts can be edited while Discovery is running, a new message has been added that any edits to Provider Accounts won’t take effect until the next Discovery run.
  • New “Refresh All” button on Resources to fetch the latest resource states from the database for current list of resources.
  • New “Refresh” action for individual resources in Resources Table.
  • New indicator for “Discovery running” which will show in the top right of UI, replacing the “pill” notification.
  • New Autocomplete Dropdown (tree view) for selecting a Business Group in
    • Parking Schedules -> create/edit
    • Settings -> Users -> create/edit
  • Bug Fix for editing Azure Provider Accounts
  • Bug Fix for “Disable Between” using GMT Time Zone
  • Bug Fix for “Disable Between” button in Business Groups -> Parking Schedules.
  • BETA Feature: “Organization” Tab in within Settings. This is organization based and not user based and will be managed with org_owner or vega_admin only roles at this time and any changes will be applied globally.
    • Ability to change “Organization Name”
    • Ability to change/upload Primary and Secondary Logos
    • Ability to customize theme with primary and secondary colors.
  • BETA: Ability to customize Resource to Business Groups rules using “Assignment Rules” within Business Groupings in the Platform.


Hotfix: Vega Platform Release 2.5.1

  • Bug Fixes relating to parking schedules
  • Ability to edit provider accounts while discovery is running
  • New drop-down selector for "Type" when filtering Resources


Vega Platform Release 2.5.0

  • Performance Improvements loading Business Groupings
  • New Parking Functionality: Disable Between
    • Choose a time range to disable the parking schedule, overriding any attached schedules and priority groups. Note: the disabled status doesn't trigger immediate action; resources will persist in their current parked or unparked state until the schedule becomes active again within the designated timeframe.
  • Ability to Start/Stop a parkable resource within the Resources Table Actions.


Hotfix: Vega Platform Release 2.4.8

  • Bug Fix relating to parent/child provider accounts


Hotfix: Vega Platform Release 2.4.7

  • Provider Account Creation Failed with Parent Org MPA
  • Creation of provider accounts ("+Link" button) accounts will now be available while discovery is running.
  • UI Styling Changes/Improvements
    • Reduced density of most MUI Datagrids to compact.
    • Added in a cancel variant to the button component instead of wrapping the button in a style
    • Reduced the height (size) of the menu items -Moved some colors that were not coming from theme to coming from theme
    • Fixed Loading Animation for Parking Schedules
  • Enhance 'Square' Selection Style for Parking Schedules


Hotfix: Vega Platform Release 2.4.6

  • Updates foundational elements for parent-child organizations so that when creating an AWS linked account in a child organization, payer accounts from the parent organization are shown. The payer dropdown has also been improved with more descriptive text.
  • Updated version of the onboarding script to support assigning parent orgs to new organizations we are onboarding.


Vega Platform Release 2.4.5

  • Resource name added as a column and filterable everywhere resources are shown
  • Display AWS Account Alias/ Azure Subscription name as Account Name
  • Database Indexes to improve performance
  • Various Bug Fixes

Vega Dashboard Release 2.2.6

Vega Inform
  • Object Storage Inventory: Updated exec group & team parameters, and added a control to view trending spend in the top visual
Vega Optimize
  • Re-order of recommendation tabs
  • Right Sizing & FR: Added max CPU/Mem columns to the bottom table
  • Added Resource Type and Operating System controls to all IAAS rec tabs
Vega Datametry
  • Anomaly Detection: Added filterable controls like database, warehouse, and user
  • Spend Overview: Added group by options/drop down to the month over month visuals (similar to vInform)
  • Query Profiling: the bottom 3 "top" visuals have the columns sorted by the right most column
Savings Overview
  • Top Unused Table Resources show table names instead of warehouse names


Vega Platform Release 2.4.4

  • 500 Error Bug Fixes
  • 'Okta' Button for SSO added to configuration
  • Icon on UI linking directly to Release Notes
  • Updated 'Assigned Resources' in Business Group Details and Parking Edit view
  • Added 'Name' Column to all Resource Table Components
  • Improved Bulk Upload for Provider Accounts
  • User Invitations can now contain '+' in email addresses
  • Enhanced roll up for Business Group Resources with parent-child relationship
  • Updates to resource removal on advanced parking schedules


Hotfix: Vega Platform Release 2.4.3

  • Bug Fix 'Date Added' column on settings page
  • Bug Fix UI Update for SSO to configure SSO Provider


Hotfix: Vega Platform Release 2.4.2

  • Enhancement/Bug Fixes for Business Group and Provider Accounts and Resources
  • UI updates to Settings Tab
  • Clickable links in Business Group Table, Business Groups in Users Table, and Resources with the ability to right-click to allow user to "open in new tab"


Vega Platform Release 2.4.0

  • New Interface for managing Business Groupings including new 'User' and 'Schedules' columns, 'Details' to view 'Attached Resources' and 'Parking Schedules' for business groups
  • New interface for Resources including updated 'Status', 'Business Group', and 'Attached to Parking Schedule' Columns and a new 'Actions' column experience
  • New Resources "Details" page/layout, that shows additional metadata in the details page, including JSON for that resource. If the resource is parkable, it will show any attached parking schedules in 'Parking Schedules' tab
  • New 'Business Groups' column on Parking Schedules page
  • New 'Attach Resources' view when creating/editing Parking Schedules
  • New 'Business Grouping' column on Settings -> User Page
  • New 'Business Grouping' selection available when inviting/editing a user.
  • Checkbox to indicate "This is a payer account (organization root)" when linking AWS Cloud Account.
  • "Short name" for Azure resources is used in all views
  • New functionality for AWS provider accounts that allow external id to be changed


Hotfix Vega Platform 2.3.3

  • Bug Fixes for SSO Configuration

Vega Dashboard release v2.2.5

  • Executive Group & Team controls added to all existing pages.
    • Additional business groupings provided by client mappings to help them navigate.
Vega Inform
  • Cost Navigator: Added "Is Committed Use Eligible?" Control

    • This will allow the user to drill down to spend only eligible for CUD's cross-cloud.
  • Cost Navigator: Y-Axis now shows 2 decimal places for visibility_

    • We were rounding the bar/line chart to the nearest whole number, this just provides visibility for example if they're at 1mm they want to see 1.31mm._
  • Anomaly Detection: Showing continuous line v. date-breaks for blank days_

    • If a resource spend stopped, the line would show date gaps, it now shows as 0. See images below for visual detail:_
  • Instance Inventory: Month Discovered updated to Date Discovered

    • Last week we added "month discovered" which gave a slight look into what month/year a resource was discovered within the last 13-months. We've updated this column to now be "date discovered" which is the actual date we have posted for when that resource first hit the billing files.
Vega Storage
  • Added "Is Actual?" Control

    • This is to eliminate questions from the user regarding what of their current month spend is actual v. forecasted
  • Date Selector is now by Usage Day, Month, Quarter or Week

    • We were originally only giving them a 30-day, 60-day, 90-day view option. They now can view any date range by day, week, month or quarter.
Vega Optimize
  • Auto-Parking Metrics: GCP Added
    • GCP was validated so it's added.
  • Non-Prod Redundancy: GCP Added
    • GCP was validated so it's added.
Vega Datametry
  • Redshift, BigQuery and Microsoft available in Inform tabs

    • We have been only showing Snowflake data warehousing in the vData pages, we now show them AWS, Azure and GCP data warehouse spend as well.
  • Net New Recommendation: Query Profile

    • Vega Data Query Profile aims to provide insight into which queries are the longest running, most expensive and processing the most data. You have the ability to filter by a range of different controls and identify which processes would be good candidates for optimization.
  • Anomaly Detection: Showing continuous line v. date-breaks for blank days


Vega Platform 2.3.0 Feature Release:

  • Vega Dashboard Authoring Console
  • New Page for CUD Recommendations -Tag Management is now called Tag Compliance
  • Re-Designed UI for SSO Configuration/Mapping
  • Numerous filtering and pagination improvements
  • "Business Group" added as a column in Parking Schedules List


Vega Dashboard Release v2.2.4

Vega Inform
  • Cost Navigator: When the daily view is selected, only Actuals will show
  • Added Cloud Provider Identifier to Resource Detail Pivot table
  • Month Discovered added to Instance Inventory data table
Vega Executive KPIs
  • NatGateway visual added
  • Date Selector available in Trending tabs
Vega Storage
  • Content Repo tags added to controls
  • $/TB Charts legends ranked by spend
  • "Other" cross-filtering bug fixed
  • Date selector added to choose dates used in visuals
Vega Optimize
  • Object Storage Recommendation
  • Aging Snapshots Recommendation updated to roll-up to the volume level for AWS and GCP
Vega Data now called 'Vega Datametry'
  • Savings Overview Tab added


Vega Platform 2.2.2

  • Maintenance Release
    • Bug Fixes

Vega Dashboard Release v2.2.2

Vega Optimize
  • AWS added to idle VMs
Vega Storage
  • Ability to view usage/net fiscal as line/bar chart
Vega Data
  • New Snowflake Usage Recommendation
Vega Executive KPIs:
  • Trending Spend Tab
  • GCP and Azure added
  • EDP Savings now called Negotiate Savings


Vega Platform 2.1.1 HOTFIX: Authentication and Authorization


Vega Platform 2.2.0:

  • Authentication and Authorization Features including:
  • Business Group Relationships
  • Updating the Parking Schedule UI for Business Group Selection
  • SSO Role Mapping
  • Updating Platform Roles - distinct roles to assign users with different permissions and responsibilities to their position and responsibilities according to position and tasks within the organization.
  • SSO (Okta)
  • Various Bug Fixes

Vega Dashboard Release v2.3.1 (10/5/2023)

Vega Inform:
  • Spend Overview: Added "Cloud Provider" to the "Month-over-Month" drop down
  • Resource Detail: Changed the minimum amount threshold to a slider control
Vega Optimize:
  • Idle Load Balancer: Now showing Azure and GCP
Vega Storage:
  • Added Product, Financial Owner and Technical Owner in the visual drop downs and under controls
Vega Data:
  • Added Right Sizing Rec tab
Vega Executive KPI's:
  • Added GCP and Azure (pending review)


Vega Platform 2.1.0:

  • Advanced Parking Functionality -- ability to create priority grouping of resources, start/stop one or more resources in a defined sequence.
  • Introduced 5-minute interval for parking schedules.
Vega Inform:
  • Anomaly Detection: added a filter to differentiate between flattening and weekly normal anomalies.
  • Flattening Anomaly -- spend to previous seven days remains anomalous, but relative spend to the previous day is either dropping or plateauing. This will continue to represent an anomaly, but corrective action has already been taken or is a new normal.
  • Weekly Normal Job -- Seven day spend is exactly or within 3% of current spend. This is helpful to flag to eliminate noise from known weekly cron jobs showing up as anomalies.
  • Resource Detail: Added ability to filter report by name of the resource.
Vega Optimize:
  • Disk Optimization -- Now available for AWS, Azure, and GCP
  • Auto-Parking Metrics -- Now Available for AWS, Azure, and GCP
  • Right Size and Family Refresh -- Now can filter report by the instance family.
Vega Data:
  • Vega now has a Snowflake Warehouse Hourly Usage Tab which allows users to see an hourly profile of their warehouse usage by time idle, time off, and time actively running.
Vega Executive KPIs:
  • New Vega Score KPI Metric and Reporting.
  • Vega Score uses custom logic to rank each cloud service for cost, security, and maturity to provide insight and focus on modernization efforts and assist with gamification.
  • New high level Effective Savings Rate view by product.


We are pleased to announce that our Vega Platform Documentation Site has officially launched! Here you will be able to find comprehensive guides and resources for navigating our SaaS platform, API Docs, and step-by-step guides for cloud provider integration documentation.

Vega Platform Documentation

Vega Inform:
  • More versatile view of data with Spend Overview. Dropdown selectors have been added to Month-over-Month spend to filter by either Product Group or Product Category. In addition, dropdown selectors have also been added to Spend by Business Unit.
  • Accountability on Snowflake Spend! Snowflake has now been added allowing insight into snowflake spending in an easy to view chart.
  • Object Storage Inventory update. By request, a new layer of granularity has been added to Trending Object Storage with the ability to view by product detail category.
Vega Optimize:
  • Understanding savings opportunities is easier than ever with updates to Savings Overview. A view of top nine resources to action will be listed showing you easy wins to savings. Increased ability to change how you view your opportunities.
  • Filter by Aging Snapshot Creation Date. Parse down to a month with the snapshot creation month filter. Allowing you to filter and prioritize resources.
  • GCP Recommendations have been added. GCP Cloud Spend category recommendations for aging snapshots, family refresh, orphan discs, and autoparking savings are now included.
Vega Data:
  • Ability to explore Snowflake spend in a tailored Cost Navigator Environment!