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About Password

The documentation below provides instructions to manage your password in the Vega Platform.


These instructions do not apply for users that are logging in via SSO.

Password requirements
  • 12 or more characters
  • Upper and lower case letters
  • At least one digit
  • At least one special character

Change Password

This section allows you to update your password in the Vega Platform. Enter your current password, followed by your new password, and then a final confirmation of the new password. Click Save.

Change Password

Forgot Password

If you forgot your password and cannot login to the Vega Platform, the following steps will reset your password.

  1. On the login screen for the Vega Platform, click the "Forgot Password?" link under "Password" field:

    Forgot Password 1

  2. Enter the email that you use to login to the Vega Platform and click "Submit":

    Forgot Password 2

  3. Check your email account. Locate the "Reset Password" email sent from the Vega Platform. In the email, click the link "Link to reset credentials".
  4. On the "Update Password" screen, enter your new password in the "New Password" field. Enter the password agian in the "Confirm Password" field. Click "Submit".

    Forgot Password 3

  5. If successful, your account will be updated with the new password.

    Forgot Password 4

  6. Return to the Vega Platform login screen and login with your email and new password.