Data API
Data API is in Open Preview and is not General Availability (GA) at this time. More information about release phases may be found here.
Data API Documentation
The Data API documentation can be found at
The Vega Platform Data API exists to provide clients with a programmatic way to access report data which is stored in the Vega Platform. This data can be used to build custom reports, dashboards, or to audit findings surfaced in our Platform.
We present the following data to our clients:
- Anomalies Detected
- Resource Costs
- Reservation Utilization
- Tagging Data
Connecting to the Data API
To ensure secure access to the API, we utilize JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication. The token is validated to verify the user's identity and permissions and must be included in the Authorization header of the HTTP request to access protected endpoints.
Generate an API Client Registration to securely access the Data API.
The API supports two authentication methods:
- JWT Authentication (
) - API Key Authentication (
All requests must include the appropriate authentication headers.
Common Request Parameters
Most GET endpoints support the following common parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
page | Integer | The page number to retrieve (starts at 1) | page=1 |
size | Integer | Number of items per page | size=10 |
sort_by | String | Comma-delimited sort parameters | sort_by=name:asc,age:desc |
filter_by | String | Comma-delimited filter parameters | filter_by=status:=:active,age:>:21 |
Data Models
The API provides access to the following main data models:
- Anomalies – Cost usage anomaly data
- Costs – Cloud resource cost data
- Discovered Resources – Detected cloud resources across providers
- Recommendations – Cost optimization recommendations
- Reserved Instances – Reserved instance details
- Tags – Resource tagging information
You can retrieve schema information about these models using the /query/schema
API Endpoints
Cost Data
Endpoint | Method | Description |
/costs | GET | Get cost data across all resources |
/costs/spend-daily-by-account | GET | Get daily spend by cloud account |
/costs/spend-daily-by-product | GET | Get daily spend by cloud product |
/costs/total-spend-monthly-by-account | GET | Get monthly spend by cloud account |
/costs/total-spend-monthly-by-product | GET | Get monthly spend by cloud product |
Endpoint | Method | Description |
/anomalies | GET | Get cost usage anomaly data |
Endpoint | Method | Description |
/discovered-resources | GET | Get detected cloud resources |
/tags | GET | Get resource tagging information |
Endpoint | Method | Description |
/recommendations | GET | Get all cost optimization recommendations |
/recommendation-aging-snapshots | GET | Get recommendations for aging snapshots |
/recommendation-disk-optimization | GET | Get recommendations for disk optimization |
/recommendation-family-refresh | GET | Get recommendations for instance family refreshes |
/recommendation-idle-databases | GET | Get recommendations for idle databases |
/reserved-instances | GET | Get reserved instance information |
Endpoint | Method | Description |
/query | POST | Execute SQL queries against data models |
/query/schema | GET | Get information about available data models and fields |
Filtering Data
You can filter data using the filter_by
parameter with the following format:
Multiple filters can be combined with commas and will be joined with AND logic. For example:
Filter Limitations
Important: For all endpoints except the /query
endpoint, multiple filter conditions in the filter_by
parameter are always combined using logical AND operations. This means all conditions must be true for a record to be included in the results.
Complex filtering with OR conditions, nested logic, or parenthetical groupings is not supported through the filter_by
parameter. For example, you cannot construct a filter like "show resources that are either in AWS OR have costs greater than $100."
For more complex query requirements, use the /query
endpoint with a SQL query that can express more sophisticated logic.
Valid Operators
The API supports the following filter operators:
Operator | Description | Example |
= | Equal to | status:=:active |
<> | Not equal to | status:<>:inactive |
> | Greater than | cost:>:100 |
< | Less than | cost:<:50 |
>= | Greater than or equal to | cost:>=:100 |
<= | Less than or equal to | cost:<=:50 |
BETWEEN or between | Between two values (inclusive) | date:between:20230101-20230131 |
LIKE or like | Pattern matching (case-sensitive) | name:LIKE:%Server% |
ILIKE or ilike | Pattern matching (case-insensitive) | name:ILIKE:%server% |
SIMILAR TO or similar to | SQL standard regex pattern matching | name:SIMILAR TO:(server|instance)% |
IN or in | Value in a list | status:IN:(active,pending) |
NOT IN or not in | Value not in a list | status:NOT IN:(deleted,archived) |
IS or is | Equals (usually for NULL values) | owner:IS:NULL |
IS NOT or is not | Not equals (usually for NULL values) | owner:IS NOT:NULL |
AND or and | Logical AND | status:=:active AND cost:>:100 |
OR or or | Logical OR | status:=:active OR status:=:pending |
NOT or not | Logical NOT | NOT status:=:deleted |
Date Range Filters
For date ranges, use the between
operator with dates in YYYYMMDD
format separated by a hyphen:
Sorting Data
You can sort data using the sort_by
parameter with the following format:
Multiple sort parameters can be combined with commas. For example:
is the field name to sort byorder
is eitherasc
(ascending) ordesc
Filter Field Reference
The following table describes all data types used across the API endpoints with examples of valid values:
Type | Description | Example Values |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier | "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000" |
String | Text value | "aws", "us-east-1", "t2.micro", "prod-server-01" |
Float64 | 64-bit floating-point number | 123.45, 0.0, -789.12, 1.23e6 |
Int32 | 32-bit integer | 42, 0, -17, 1000 |
Int64 | 64-bit integer | 1234567890, 0, -42, 9876543210 |
DateTime | Date and time value | "2024-01-15T14:30:00Z", "2023-12-31T23:59:59Z" |
Boolean | True/false value | true, false |
Common Fields
These fields appear across multiple endpoints with consistent types:
Field Name | Type | Description |
application | String | Application name or identifier |
billing_account_id | String | Billing account identifier |
business_group | String | Business group name |
business_unit | String | Business unit name |
business_unit_id | UUID | Unique identifier for business unit |
client_name | String | Client name |
cloud_provider | String | Cloud service provider name |
cloud_provider_identifier | String | Cloud provider's unique identifier |
data_date | DateTime | Date of the data record |
environment | String | Environment identifier |
exclude_account | String | Account exclusion flag |
executive_group | String | Executive group identifier |
financial_owner_email | String | Email of financial owner |
financial_owner_name | String | Name of financial owner |
linked_account_id | String | Linked account identifier |
linked_account_name | String | Linked account name |
organization_id | UUID | Organization identifier |
product_group | String | Product group identifier |
resource_id | String | Resource identifier |
resource_name | String | Resource name |
team | String | Team identifier |
technical_owner_email | String | Email of technical owner |
technical_owner_name | String | Name of technical owner |
Endpoint-Specific Fields
Anomalies (/anomalies
Field Name | Type |
anomaly_hash | String |
base_anomaly_flag | String |
base_threshold | Float64 |
base_threshold_cost | Int32 |
cloud_region | String |
cloud_specific_location | String |
cloud_zone | String |
current_net_fiscal_amount | Float64 |
current_ondemand_cost | Float64 |
current_usage_amount | Float64 |
flattening_net_fiscal_average | Float64 |
flattening_ondemand_average | Float64 |
flattening_usage_average | Float64 |
net_fiscal_difference | Float64 |
net_fiscal_difference_pct | Float64 |
ondemand_difference | Float64 |
ondemand_difference_pct | Float64 |
rolling_net_fiscal_average | Float64 |
rolling_ondemand_average | Float64 |
rolling_usage_average | Float64 |
seven_day_net_fiscal | Float64 |
seven_day_usage | Float64 |
usage_difference | Float64 |
usage_difference_pct | Float64 |
weekly_net_fiscal | Float64 |
weekly_ondemand | Float64 |
weekly_usage | Float64 |
Costs (/costs
Field Name | Type |
billing_unit | String |
channel | String |
closing_month | DateTime |
container_flag | String |
cost_category | String |
coverable_application_type | String |
deployment_age | String |
deployment_source | String |
disk_type | String |
disk_usage_gb | Float64 |
environment_source | String |
gross_fiscal | Float64 |
instance_type | String |
is_actual | String |
is_committed_use_eligible | String |
lease_ownership_type | String |
lease_purchase_month | DateTime |
line_item_type | String |
migration | String |
migration_origin | String |
net_cash | Float64 |
net_fiscal_amount | Float64 |
ondemand_cost | Float64 |
operating_system | String |
platform | String |
product_category | String |
product_cost_detail_category | String |
propeller_organization | String |
reporting_month | String |
ri_sp_arn | String |
savings | Float64 |
snapshot_origin | String |
steady_state | String |
usage_amount | Float64 |
usage_day | DateTime |
usage_type | String |
Spend Daily by Account (/costs/spend-daily-by-account
Field Name | Type |
net_fiscal | Float64 |
ondemand_cost | Float64 |
usage_amount | Float64 |
usage_day | DateTime |
Spend Daily by Product Account (/costs/spend-daily-by-product
Field Name | Type |
net_fiscal | Float64 |
ondemand_cost | Float64 |
product_category | String |
product_detail_category | String |
product_name | String |
usage_amount | Float64 |
usage_day | DateTime |
Spend Monthly by Account (/costs/total-spend-monthly-by-account
Field Name | Type |
month | Float64 |
total_monthly_net_fiscal | Float64 |
total_monthly_ondemand_spend | Float64 |
year | Float64 |
Spend Monthly by Product (/costs/total-spend-monthly-by-product
Field Name | Type |
month | Float64 |
product_name | String |
total_monthly_net_fiscal | Float64 |
total_monthly_ondemand_spend | Float64 |
year | Float64 |
Discovered Resources (/discovered-resources
Field Name | Type |
business_unit_display_name | String |
business_unit_name | String |
cloud_account_id | String |
configuration | String |
cost_rolling_thirty | Float64 |
is_parking_capable | Boolean |
is_running | Boolean |
is_snapshot_capable | Boolean |
name | String |
ostype | String |
provider_account_id | String |
provider_str | String |
region | String |
resource_type | String |
state | String |
tags | String |
Recommendation Aging Snapshots (/recommendation-aging-snapshots
Field Name | Type |
age_days | Int64 |
ami_imageid | String |
availabilityzone | String |
channel | String |
client_type | Int32 |
est_monthly_net_cash | Float64 |
est_monthly_ondemand_spend | Float64 |
has_ami | String |
instance_id | String |
instance_name | String |
location | String |
snapshot_age_category | String |
snapshot_creation_date | DateTime |
snapshot_size | Float64 |
volume_name | String |
volumeid | String |
volumetype | String |
Recommendation Disk Optimization (/recommendation-disk-optimization
Field Name | Type |
capacity_size | Float64 |
cost_center | String |
current_disk_type | String |
current_monthly_total_cost | Float64 |
current_monthly_total_ondemand | Float64 |
iops | Float64 |
monthly_optimal_ondemand_savings | Float64 |
monthly_optimal_total_savings | Float64 |
optimal_disk_upgrade | String |
optimal_monthly_total_cost | Float64 |
optimal_ondemand_total_cost | Float64 |
optimal_upgrade | String |
resource_group | String |
resource_type | String |
throughput | Int32 |
Recommendation Family Refresh (/recommendation-family-refresh
Field Name | Type |
amd_instance_family | String |
amd_instance_type | String |
amd_memory | Float64 |
amd_ondemand_cost | Float64 |
amd_vcpu | Float64 |
arm_instance_family | String |
arm_instance_type | String |
arm_memory | Float64 |
arm_ondemand_cost | Float64 |
arm_vcpu | Float64 |
autoscaling_group_name | String |
burstable_instance_family | String |
burstable_instance_type | String |
burstable_memory | Float64 |
burstable_ondemand_cost | Float64 |
burstable_vcpu | Float64 |
cleaned_environment | String |
container_flag | String |
cross_family_refresh_right_size_instance_family | String |
cross_family_refresh_right_size_instance_type | String |
cross_family_refresh_right_size_memory | Float64 |
cross_family_refresh_right_size_ondemand_cost | Float64 |
cross_family_refresh_right_size_vcpu | Float64 |
database_engine_version | String |
family_refresh_instance_family | String |
family_refresh_instance_type | String |
family_refresh_memory | Float64 |
family_refresh_ondemand_cost | Float64 |
family_refresh_right_size_instance_family | String |
family_refresh_right_size_instance_type | String |
family_refresh_right_size_memory | Float64 |
family_refresh_right_size_ondemand_cost | Float64 |
family_refresh_right_size_vcpu | Float64 |
family_refresh_vcpu | Float64 |
has_autoscaling_group | String |
intel_instance_family | String |
intel_instance_type | String |
intel_memory | Float64 |
intel_ondemand_cost | Float64 |
intel_vcpu | Float64 |
last_day_used | DateTime |
max_cpu | Float64 |
max_memory | Float64 |
monthly_net_fiscal | Float64 |
monthly_usage_amount | Float64 |
optimal_monthly_savings | Float64 |
optimal_refresh_instance_family | String |
optimal_refresh_instance_type | String |
optimal_refresh_memory | Float64 |
optimal_refresh_type | String |
optimal_refresh_vcpu | Float64 |
optimal_savings_pct | Float64 |
original_instance_family | String |
original_instance_family_processor | String |
original_instance_type | String |
original_memory | Float64 |
original_ondemand_cost | Float64 |
original_vcpu | Float64 |
product_name | String |
projected_amd_monthly_savings | Float64 |
projected_arm_monthly_savings | Float64 |
projected_burstable_monthly_savings | Float64 |
projected_cross_family_refresh_right_size_monthly_savings | Float64 |
projected_family_refresh_and_right_size_monthly_savings | Float64 |
projected_family_refresh_monthly_savings | Float64 |
projected_intel_monthly_savings | Float64 |
projected_right_size_monthly_savings | Float64 |
right_size_instance_family | String |
right_size_instance_type | String |
right_size_memory | Float64 |
right_size_ondemand_cost | Float64 |
right_size_vcpu | Float64 |
tenancy | String |
Recommendation Idle Databases (/recommendation-idle-databases
Field Name | Type |
autoscaling_group_name | String |
bill_payer_account_id | String |
cleaned_environment | String |
container_flag | String |
current_month_running_hours | Float64 |
database_edition | String |
date_first_reported_idle | DateTime |
date_last_checked | DateTime |
deployment_option | String |
discovered_date | DateTime |
has_autoscaling_group | String |
last_billed_date | DateTime |
license_model | String |
location_from | String |
migration | String |
migration_origin | String |
net_fiscal | Float64 |
ondemand_cost | Float64 |
operating_system | String |
propeller_organization | String |
resource_type | String |
technical_team_name | String |
total_days_idle | Float64 |
Recommendations (/recommendations
Field Name | Type |
additional_metric | String |
additional_metric_description | String |
billing_unit | String |
cost_category | String |
cpu_maximum | Float64 |
has_autoscaling_group | String |
instance_type | String |
last_usage_day | DateTime |
location | String |
mem_maximum | Float64 |
memory | Float64 |
net_fiscal_cost | Float64 |
net_savings | Float64 |
ondemand_cost | Float64 |
product | String |
product_category | String |
product_detail_category | String |
projected_cost | Float64 |
rec1_instance_type | String |
rec1_net_savings | Float64 |
rec1_ondemand_savings | Float64 |
rec1_type | String |
rec2_instance_type | String |
rec2_net_savings | Float64 |
rec2_ondemand_savings | Float64 |
rec2_type | String |
rec3_instance_type | String |
rec3_net_savings | Float64 |
rec3_ondemand_savings | Float64 |
rec3_type | String |
rec4_instance_type | String |
rec4_net_savings | Float64 |
rec4_ondemand_savings | Float64 |
rec4_type | String |
rec5_instance_type | String |
rec5_net_savings | Float64 |
rec5_ondemand_savings | Float64 |
rec5_type | String |
rec6_instance_type | String |
rec6_net_savings | Float64 |
rec6_ondemand_savings | Float64 |
rec6_type | String |
rec7_instance_type | String |
rec7_net_savings | Float64 |
rec7_ondemand_savings | Float64 |
rec7_type | String |
rec_type | String |
usage_amount | Float64 |
vcpu | Float64 |
Reserved Instances (/reserved-instances
Field Name | Type |
benefit_id | String |
benefit_name | String |
benefit_type | String |
bill_payer_account_id | String |
estimated_expiration_date | DateTime |
minimum_capacity_date | DateTime |
monthly_reservation_cost | Float64 |
term | Int64 |
total_reservation_cost | Float64 |
Tags (/tags
Field Name | Type |
container_flag | String |
steady_state | String |
tag_key | String |
tag_value | String |
Query Endpoint
The /query
endpoint allows you to execute SQL-style queries against the data models. This provides more flexibility than the standard REST endpoints.
Request Format
"query": "SELECT cloud_provider, SUM(gross_fiscal) FROM cost GROUP BY cloud_provider",
"limit": 100
Important Notes
- SQL joins are not supported.
- Remove all extra spaces and semicolons (
) from your query. - Queries are limited to 100 records by default (this can be changed with the
parameter). - The query must be a valid
Example Queries
SELECT cloud_provider, SUM(gross_fiscal) FROM cost GROUP BY cloud_provider
SELECT product, COUNT(*) FROM recommendation WHERE savings > 1000 GROUP BY product
Error Handling
API errors follow a standard JSON format:
"status": 400,
"title": "Bad Request",
"detail": "Invalid filter parameter",
"errors": [
"location": "query.filter_by",
"message": "Invalid operator: '=='",
"value": "status:==:active"
Error responses include:
- HTTP status code
- Error title
- Detailed error message
- A list of specific errors (when applicable)
Example Requests
Get Cost Data with Filtering and Sorting
GET /costs?page=1&size=10&sort_by=net_fiscal_amount:desc&filter_by=cloud_provider:=:AWS,usage_day:between:20230101-20230131
Query Total Spend by Cloud Provider
POST /query
"query": "SELECT cloud_provider, SUM(net_fiscal_amount) as total_spend FROM cost WHERE usage_day BETWEEN '2023-01-01' AND '2023-01-31' GROUP BY cloud_provider ORDER BY total_spend DESC",
"limit": 10
Get Recommendations with Potential Savings
GET /recommendations?filter_by=savings:>:1000,cloud_provider:=:AWS&sort_by=savings:desc
Interpreting HTTP Error Codes
Status Code | Description | Reasons |
400 | Bad Request | - Invalid sort parameter format (e.g., not "field:order") - Invalid sort order (not "asc" or "desc") - Invalid filter parameter format - Invalid filter operator - Invalid filter field - Invalid date range format - Empty query in data query handler - Invalid query structure |
401 | Unauthorized | - Missing JWT token - Invalid API key - Expired credentials |
403 | Forbidden | - User not authorized to access requested business unit data - User lacks permission for the requested operation - Valid authentication but insufficient authorization |
404 | Not Found | - Requested endpoint doesn't exist - Requested resource not found |
422 | Unprocessable Entity | - Malformed request body - Required parameters missing - Parameter validation failures |
500 | Internal Server Error | - Panic recovery (explicitly set in tracelogging middleware) - Database connection failures - Query execution errors - Cache errors - Unexpected system errors |
503 | Service Unavailable | - Database service unavailable - Dependent services unreachable |
This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to using the Vega Data API. For specific field information and data model schema details, use the /query/schema
endpoint to retrieve up-to-date information about the available fields and models.